This page is a tutorial on how to create your first mlox rules and commit them to the Github repository

For more information on how to contribute to mlox-rules, see Contributing to Mlox Rules




For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use a fictional Nexus mod page — ‘Morrowind Modding Wiki - Contributing to mlox Rules’, which contains the ESP mlox-rules_demo.esp.

It also contains the patch ESP mlox-rules_other-mod_01_patch.ESP for the fictional mod other-mod_01.esp.

Follow the tutorial to find out how to create [order] and [conflict] mlox rules for this mod, then contribute these to the repository.

Tutorial Requirements and Files

  • Difficulty:Beginner
  • Requirements:
    • A Github account
    • A decent text editor — Windows Notepad is all that is required, but Visual Studio Code is recommended, especially for its Git integration

Step One: Find a rule to add

Referring to the demo mod page, we can see that it stipulates load order requirements and also which mods conflict with it:

An example of how a mod’s load order requirements and conflicts might be displayed on a NexusMods page.

mlox-rules_demo.esp is our fictional mod’s ESP.

flowchart TD

	A("other-mod_01.esp") --> B{{"mlox-rules_demo.esp"}} --> C("Beautiful cities of Morrowind.ESP") --> D("mlox-rules_other-mod_01_patch.ESP")
	B ~~~ |"Our mod"| B