
Maintenance templates are callouts used to mark a page (or a section within a page) as having issues which require editorial attention, in order to conform to MMW standards.

Wikipedia and other wiki-style sites use maintenance templates extensively to notify editors of what work needs to be done on a page. Ideally, issues should be fixed in the first instance. However, not every editor is qualified to undertake the work required (which may require advanced knowledge of a subject).

When an issue cannot be fixed immediately, adding a maintenance template ensures the issue is identified and can be addressed later.


These are Obsidian Templates - see the help docs for how to insert a template.

Maintenance Templates should be placed at the top of a page or, if pertaining only to a section of a page, directly below the relevant section heading.

In most cases the content of the template should not be modified, and only inserted as-is. The exception is with templates which require input as to whether the issue pertains to an ‘article’, ‘category’ or ‘tag’.

Maintenance Templates

A list of maintenance templates, sorted by category.

Article Categorization Issues

For pages that are placed in an incorrect category, or directly in /content.

  • E.g., a guide on creating Patches is placed in /content/Guides instead of /content/Guides/Patches.

Uncategorized Article:

Uncategorized Article

left wtiny


“You’ve finally arrived, but our records don’t show from where.”

This article has not been added to any category. Please help out by adding it to a category so it can be listed with similar articles.

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Miscategorized Article:


left wtiny


“So strange this place. Far from the marsh.”

This article has been placed in the wrong category, or a better category for it exists than what it is currently in. Please help out by moving the article to a more suitable category so it can be listed with similar articles.

Link to original

Article Tag Issues

Maintenance templates For the following issues:

  • An article is missing tags.
  • An article contains tags that are not relevant to its content.

Missing Tags:

Article Contains no Tags

left wtiny


“The letter that preceded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign.”

This article does not contain any tags. Please help out by adding tags so it can be listed with similar articles.

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Inaccurate Tags:


left wtiny


“The sun and moon transform day to night… but what transforms the mind?”

This article contains tags that are not sufficiently related to the content. Please help by editing the tags so it can be listed with similar articles.

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Category Maintenance

Maintenance templates for subject ‘categories’ (i.e., the subfolders contained within /content). Each subfolder contains an index.md file that acts as a folder-page for the category, so any ‘category maintenance’ templates should be inserted there.

Underpopulated Category:


left wtiny


“Share a gift, share a care.”

This category could be populated with more articles. Please help out by contributing written articles.

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Overpopulated Category:


left wtiny


“Seen any elves? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA”

This category is overpopulated. Please consider splitting it into smaller subcategories.

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Category Undergoing Maintenance:


left wtiny


“The chairs. The tables. All confused. We hear the words, and must speak them. We take them, and arrange them, but still, they will not be quiet.”

Articles in this category are currently being recategorized. Be aware when adding new articles to this category while this message is up. If you wish to know who is working on the category, please consult the Discussions tab on Github for discussion on this index page.

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A broad maintenance template for when none of the more specific templates fit.


left wtiny


“Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. Everywhere dirt.”

This article may require cleanup to meet MMW’s quality standards. No cleanup reason has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can; the discussions tab on Github may contain suggestions.

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Articles should be detailed, but substantive. Articles that repeat themselves or ramble too much should be made more concise.


left wtiny


“I’m a busy gal, so if you could hurry this up.”

Parts of this article could be made more concise for better readability.

Link to original


Article is missing important context.


left wtiny


“Oh. The bad people are the Camonna Tong. I thought everybody knew that.”

Parts of this article do not provide enough context for readers unfamiliar with the subject to understand later content.

Link to original


Identifying inconsistent and contradictory information.

Article Contradicts Another Article:


left wtiny



Parts of this article contradict those of another article. Please help by verifying its factuality or correcting the contradiction.

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Article Contradicts Itself:


left wtiny


“I have two accounts of Nerevar’s death here in my library. Read them, and judge for yourself.”

Parts of this article are self-contradictory or confusing and need to be edited for clarity.

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For articles, categories (folders), or tags considered for deletion.

Deletion Considered:


left wtiny


“If you can convince her to pay the dues, I will split them with you. Otherwise, kill her.”

This article/category/tag (pick one) is a candidate for deletion. Consult the Github Discussions tab if you disagree.

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Deletion Disputed:


left wtiny


“We understand you were visited by some Dark Brotherhood assassins. A regrettable occurrence.”

The deletion of this page is contested. The person placing this notice intends to dispute the deletion of this article on its Github Discussions page, and requests that this page not be deleted in the meantime.

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left wtiny


“I think you’re a thief, because you’ve stolen my heart.”

The previous content of this page appears to infringe on the copyright of the text from the source(s) below:

  • [placeholder]

Posting copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright holder is a violation of applicable law and of our policy. Those who repeatedly post copyrighted material may be blocked from further editing.

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For insufficiently detailed content or incomplete lists.

Expand Article:


left wtiny


“Say. That’s an interesting Dwemer piece you have there. What can you tell me about it?

It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded.

Link to original

Expand List:


left wtiny


“Jobasha reads books, buys books, sells books. What more can Jobasha say?”

This list is incomplete and could benefit from additional entries.

Link to original

Expand OpenMW:


left wtiny


“There are a few ways we can do this, and the choice is yours.”

This article could benefit from the addition of OpenMW-specific information.

Link to original

Expand MWSE and MGE-XE:


left wtiny


“There are a few ways we can do this, and the choice is yours.”

This article could benefit from the addition of MGE-XE/MWSE-specific information.

Link to original

Factual Accuracy

Templates for the accuracy of article content.



left wtiny


“You seek knowledge. M’Aiq has much. Some of it verified by actual facts!”

The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

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Information Outdated:


left wtiny


“If you already killed those Orcs, why did I get this contract? Well, rules are rules. Here’s the 500 septims…”

Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished.

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Templates for addressing issues with the quantity and quality of media, such as images and videos.

Lacking images:


left wtiny


“How free you are, to venture in the nude!”

This article could benefit from the addition of more images and/or diagrams.

Link to original

Media Quality:


left wtiny


“Tell my gracious Keeper that I have done what I could. Only a Dwemer magecrafter could have done so much.”

The quality of media could be improved to meet wiki standards. See the Github Discussions page for information.

Link to original

Tutorial Files:


left wtiny


“…Yes, perhaps I could restore the artifact. Whether I should or would, on the other hand, that is a different matter.”

The tutorial files for this guide have issues. Consult the relevant Github Discussion for more details.

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Merging or Splitting Articles

Templates for identifying where an article is too long and could be split into multiple pages, or is too small to warrant its own page.

Merging Considered:


left wtiny


“We make a special trip just for you, same low price.”

This article could benefit from being merged into [placeholder name]. If you disagree, please consult the Discussions tab on Github.

Link to original

Splitting Considered:


left wtiny


“Your age is past. We are the new gods, born of the flesh, and wise and caring of the needs of our people.”

This article should be split into either multiple articles accessible from a disambiguation page, or a set of articles.

Link to original

Multiple Issues

Umbrella template for capturing numerous issues.


left wtiny


“Hrisskar, Don’t think I’ve forgotten our wager. I want this dagger sharp as a scamp’s claw by morning.”

This article has multiple issues and is in need of major additions and/or work.

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Template for identifying bias.


left wtiny


“Yes, Ahnassi is a thief. But she is a NICE thief. Don’t you think so?”

The neutrality of this article or section is disputed. Please see the relevant discussion on the Guthub Discussions page.

Link to original

Template for pages with too many empty placeholder wikilinks or broken links to external sites.


left wtiny


“Where is that slave? Here not long ago.”

This article contains an excess of redlinks. Attention is requested to create new articles from these links.

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Templates for issues with relevancy of article content.

Relevance to Morrowind:


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”[…supposedly the definitive reference to fishy sticks throughout Tamriel, but the pages are so smeared with fishy stick sauce it is impossible to read any of them.]”

The relevance of this article/section to Morrowind modding is disputed and requires work. Consult the Github Discussion for more information.

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Topic Covered Elsewhere:


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“Greetings, outlander. Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

This article/section repeats information already covered by external sources. It could benefit from being condensed and directing readers to those sources where applicable. Consult the Github Discussion for more information.

Link to original


Templates for issues with article sources.

Sources Lacking:


left wtiny


“There’s no point being part of history if you’re too ignorant to learn it”

This article needs to be provided with more sources to conform to a higher standard of article quality.

Link to original

Sources Irrelevant:


left wtiny


“Rumors flow from the House of Troubles”

This article cites sources which do not sufficiently relate to its content.

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Template for issues with article writing style.


left wtiny


“Where’s your uniform?”

This article, or a section of this article, may not be written in the formal tone expected of an encyclopedia entry.

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Work-in-Progress Article

Sometimes it is better to upload what you have already, even if it is not yet finished.


left wtiny


“Not done yet. Soon, though. You go away and let me work now. Can’t work with people watching.”

This page is a work in progress. Therefore, it is not finished and may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place. As a courtesy, please avoid making minor edits to this page while this message is displayed, in order to avoid edit conflicts.

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