Quartz sites:

Topo Da Mente

3D Artist’s Handbook

Bianca’s Digital Garden

Stories with Dice


CS Notes

Owlly Lab

Why is it cool

  • They made a working hamburger menu on mobile for the Explorer
  • Extensive customization of layout

Mage the Awakening Wiki

Just a pretty Quartz site with a simple but navigable layout. Some questionable design choices, such as choosing to make all bold words a different colour (making them easily confused with hyperlinks).

Daniel Hintz

Key points of interest:

Non-Quartz, Obsidian-Based Sites:

The Integral Guide to Well-Being

Published with Obsidian Publish, it features a visually pleasing UI, including support for Stacked Pages and folder icons.

Wiki and Documentation Sites

A list of wiki and program documentation websites for inspiration, particularly those that are focused on:

  1. Modding
  2. Documentation for a program
  3. Instructional wikis in general with tutorial and guide-based content

Most wikis avoid ‘instructional and presumptuous language’. This is suitable for the general reference, encyclopaedic content most wikis are focused on, (whether it be Wikipedia, or one of the numerous fandom wikis based around a fictional media franchise). However, whilst the Morrowind Modding Wiki strives to keep an impartial tone, it is an instructional tool on how to create and manage mods.

Cyberpunk 2077 Modding

Created with Gitbook, this is the modding wiki for Cyberpunk 2077

Paradox Wikis

The home of Paradox Interactive game wikis. Most (if not all) wikis hosted on Paradox Wikis contain an extensive Modding section detailing how to create and manage mods for the game in question.

Souls Modding

The ‘Soulsborne Modding Wiki’ is the home of modding knowledge of FromSoftware’s ‘Soulsborne'' games.

The structure appears to be that of a general reference wiki, with tutorials separated into their own section and each tutorial attributed to a specific author.

Stardew Modding Wiki

The modding wiki for ‘Stardew Valley’.

Factorio Wiki

The ‘Factorio Wiki’ has a substantial section on modding.

RimWorld Wiki

This wiki has a modestly-sized modding section, but three articles are particularly noteworthy for their clear and concise layout.

They offer a clear model for how MMW tutorial articles could be structured. The section headings ‘Goals’, ‘Recommended Reading’ and ‘Sample Repository’ act as a clear preamble to prepare users to follow the tutorial.

In addition, formatting the main tutorial content as a table is a bold choice - in the left column is the code the tutorial is based on, and in the right column is the author’s annotations. To implement this in MMW presents CSS formatting challenges, but is doable. The first challenge is that a codeblock cannot be entered in a table in Markdown, only inline code. A simple workaround is to place the table in another note, then embed the note section as a block into the table