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TES Bookmaker


Ajira’s Flower Report as rendered by TES Bookmaker
image source: Morrowind Modding Wiki


LinksEnglish version:
- Nexus Mods
- Github
Russian version (original):
- FullRest
Author- Дарин (Darin), original author.
- MassiveJuice, English translation.

TES Bookmaker is a simple text editor for creating Morrowind books, capable of converting plain text into Morrowind’s bespoke HTML format and featuring a GUI with buttons for text-formatting.

The original tool developed by Дарин (Darin) is in Russian, but an English language version by MassiveJuice is available.


The editor works by applying Morrowind-specific HTML markup to plain text.

Plain text can be entered in the left-hand panel and, by pressing the green arrow, gets formatted with HTML in the right-hand panel. Further editing can be done in the right-hand panel by manually typing, or by using the UI buttons. These include:

  • New Line: adds HTML <BR> tag to indicate a new line
  • Center Text: adds HTML <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">.
  • Left-Align Text: adds HTML <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">
  • Insert Image: Pop-up to specify an image’s source, width and height.
  • A: Pop-up to specify font name, size and color.

Once finished, the marked-up text is ready to be entered into a book object in the Construction Set.

Alternative Tools

  • Live Book Editing: These two tools can be used in conjunction to quickly format and preview book text.