
Inline cleanup labels are a convenient editing tool for labelling issues directly within the text of a page.

Like Maintenance Templates they help to identify issues with an article for other editors. However, whereas the former identifies broad categories, inline cleanup labels identify issues more precisely within the body text of an article. They are similar in appearance to citations or footnotes, placed at the end of a sentence like this. [according to whom?]

Wikipedia and other wiki platforms term these as ‘tags’ rather than ‘labels’. To avoid confusion these have been named ‘labels’ for the Morrowind Modding Wiki, as Obsidian tags serve a different function.

From Wikipedia:


“[Inline Cleanup] Tags” are often used to indicate problems. Some Wikipedia editors object to the practice of tagging instead of fixing, but there is value in pointing out an article’s problems. Tagging allows editors to specialize, teaches editors and warns readers about subpar or problematic content. It is better if people solve the problems they encounter themselves, but not everyone may be able to.

Constructive criticism given in a civil, respectful manner is a vital part in a collaborative project like Wikipedia, and it should be welcomed rather than discouraged. Wikipedia values contributions from everyone—novices and experts alike. It is important to listen to readers who find an article biased, confusing or unconvincing. They might not have the expertise to fix those problems, but the fact that they report them probably means that an article needs improvement.

- Wikipedia, Tagging Pages for problems


Labels have been organized by category.


[According to whom?]Vague, third-party claim is not sourced, and no identifiable individual or group is named who could verify the claim.
[Attribution needed]1. Passage contains an opinion, POV or words to watch which may be appropriate to retain if properly attributed to a source.
2. A direct quote is not immediately followed by an inline citation for the quote’s soure.


[Broken link]Link destination leads nowhere.
[Citation needed]A claim, especially if questionable, requires a citation for verifiability.
[Info missing]Citation lacks info such as ‘author’, ‘date’, ‘title’ etc. See [citations] for more details.
[Promotional source]A source which may be biased or lacks credibility due to being promotional or sponsored.
[Unreliable source]Source may be known to be unreliable.
[Irrelevant citation]Source is irrelevant or off-topic from the content it is being used as a citation for.


[Ambiguous]Statement is open to interpretation.
[Clarify]Wording of a passage is difficult to understand.
[Context]Text is unclear without additional context.
[Expand acronym]An acronym, abbreviation or initialism is not written in full at first occurrence.


[Duplication]Material is repeated elsewhere in the article
[Infobox clutter]Information in an infobox which may be clutter, thereby reducing the infobox’s effectiveness at summarizing information.
[Overly detailed]A paragraph or sentence may be too detailed on trivial matters for a general audience, and could be condensed or split into its own page.
[Relevance]A paragraph or sentence is off-topic.


[Contradiction]Content contradicts other material in the same article.
[Disputed]Claim which is disputed, especially if multiple credible sources disagree on the subject.
[Inconsistent]Content is inconsistent with other material on the page, as opposed to outright contradiction.


[Copyright violation]Preceding text or source may have been directly copied.
[Data missing]A list or table is lacking specific data.
[Disambiguation needed]A link which redundantly goes to a disambiguation page, where a specific destination would be more appropriate.
[Improve caption]Image without a caption which would be improved by the addition of one, or an existing caption needs improvement.
[Verify spelling]The correct spelling of a word, term or phrase is unknown or undetermined.
[British English spelling]British English spelling which should be replaced by US English spelling.


[Opinion]Paragraph or sentence is based on someone’s opinion instead of an appropriate source.
[POV statement]Statement may be indicative of personal bias.
[First-person POV]Passage is written in first-person POV.


[Definition needed]A term or phrase is used whose definition is unclear.
[Example needed]Reader comprehension could be improved by the addition of one or more examples.
[Explain]A paragraph or sentence assumes expert-level knowledge of a subject and is difficult for readers inexperienced with the subject to understand.
[Vague]A word or statement is vague.