
This page is an outline of custom formatting features implemented for use in the Morrowind Modding Wiki. To use these in Obsidian, enable all MMW_ CSS snippets in Obsidian’s ‘Appearance’ settings so they render correctly in Obsidian.


Image Adjustments

Image adjustments from SIRvb’s Image Adjustments CSS snippet are incorporated into MMW. Some examples of how it can be used include:

  • resizing images
  • displaying images as a banner across the page or across a callout
  • image-warp (using the CSS ‘float’ property), allowing text and other content to wrap around an image.

Keyboard-Styled Text

Text can be styled like the keys of a keyboard by wrapping text within <kbd> </kbd> HTML tags. For example, <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>alt</kbd> + <kbd>del</kbd> gets rendered as ctrl + alt + del.

These should be used for any instance where programs’ default hotkeys (ones which are not customizable, or are the default keybinding) are mentioned.

Callout Adjustments

MMW borrows a large number of Callout Adjustments from SIRvb’s ‘ITS Theme’ for Obsidian. These add much-needed flexibility for styling and positioning callouts.


basic syntax
> [!callout-type|adjustment adjustment2]
> [!tip|right]
> [!warning|title-center]
> [!note|clean no-title embed]

Callout Titles

Abbr.Full TitleDescription
no-tno-titleHides callout title
s-tshow-titleShow callout title
ttl-ctitle-centerCenter callout title text
no-ino-iconHide callout icon
subtsubtitleStyle words in italic (* *, _ _) as subtitles

Callout Text

Abbr.Full TitleDescription
txt-ctext-centerCenter callout text
txt-rtxt-rightRight align callout text
txt-ltxt-leftLeft align callout text
txt-stext-smallShrink callout text size

Callout Styling

Abbr.Full TitleDescription
embedRemove callout padding to expand embed
cleanRemove callout styling
collapseRemove all padding and margins for ultra compact look
nbrdno-borderBorderless callout
clearMove any other floating elements near to under this callout
n-thno-table-headerHides table header in callouts

Callout Content Padding

AttributeAbbrCallout Padding Sizing

Callout Positioning

leftFloat callout to the left
rightFloat callout to the right
centerCenter the callout
fixedMaintains a callout’s float position on mobile

Callout Sizing

Callouts can be resized using the keywords below (sizing is the same as SIRvb’s Image Adjustments)

The sizing is a percentage, relative to the callout’s parent. Using |wmed as an example:

  • if placed directly in the page body, it would take up 60% page-width.
  • if nested within another callout, it would only take up 60% of the ‘parent’ callout’s width.

Sizing can be made to use pixels instead of percentage by adding |static.

AttributesCallout Width %Callout Width px

Custom Callouts

In addition to the default Obsidian Callouts, MMW also adds the following custom Callouts:

Column Callout

The [!column] callout lets you display content as a grid.

The callout itself is invisible but its contents get displayed as a grid, with each new line of the callout represents a new grid column. It works best when nesting other callouts within it. However, if you wish to write content in columns without callout styling for the nested callouts, you can add the Callout Adjustments metadata clean no-title to them.

By adding the flex metadata, grid columns will stack vertically on mobile.


Use Nested Callouts

[column] is designed to have callouts nested within it.

To remove styling from nested callouts, add clean no-title to the metadata


This callout has clean no-title metadata.

> [!column]
> > [!note] title
> >
> > content
> > [!column] title
> >
> > content



A caption callout nested in the grid.




[!caption|right] callout

A borderless callout for adding captions to images.

Use Callout Positioning metadata to float these left or right for wiki-style article image captions

> [!caption]
> ![[image.png]]
> Image caption.


A wiki-style infobox displayed in the top right of an article to summarize data from the article, such as requirements for a tutorial article.






  • [!infobox]


> [!infobox]
> ## Article Title
> ![[image]]
> ### Table Heading
> | Type | Name |
> | --- | --- |
> | Row | Row |
> | Row | Row |

Embed Adjustments

Adjustments for Obsidian embedded files, otherwise known as ‘transclusions’

![[Embedded Note|attribute attribute]]
![[intereting-note-title|clean right]]
cleanRemoves border to hide embed style
rightFloats embed to the right

Hide Embed Styling

You can hide the borders of embedded notes and blocks by adding ‘|clean]]’ to the wikilink’s alias.

This allows the embed to appear seamlessly as a part of the page it is embedded in.


This is a standard transclusion:

You can hide the borders of embedded notes and blocks by adding ‘|clean]]’ to the wikilink’s alias.

Link to original

This is a 'clean' transclusion:

You can hide the borders of embedded notes and blocks by adding ‘|clean]]’ to the wikilink’s alias.

Link to original

Embedding block links which float left or right

You must add a left or right attribute to embeds if the embedded content itself already floats left or right.


  • The infobox callout already floats right. To embed it in another page, add |right to the embed wikilink’s alias.

This prevents the embed from taking up 100% of the page-width, instead of wrapping around other content

Float Embed Left or Right

Embeds can be made to float to the left or right of a page by adding |left or |right to the embed wikilink’s alias.

As well as being a stylistic choice to move supplementary content outside of the main flow of the text, it is also necessary when embedding a block which contains an element with a float property already stipulated (e.g., an infobox callout).

Daedric Font

Daedric style font can be added by wrapping text in HTML <span> tags, courtesy of George Duffner’s OMW Ayembedt font (license: SIL Open Font License.


<span class="daedric">your daedric text here</span>


Regular Text: “Morrowind”
Daedric Text: ""Morrowind""