
Guidelines on how to format filenames for the wiki.

General Practices for File Naming


Link to original

  • Use only standard ASCII alphanumeric characters in file and directory names.
  • Lowercase only.
  • No special characters, such as ?%,#/|, :;.
  • Use -hyphens- instead of spaces to separate words. These are recognized by search engines as a substitute for spaces.
    • Do not use _underscores_ for spaces. These are generally not recognized by search engines so can negatively affect SEO.1

Naming Images and Videos

In addition to following general file naming practices, image filenames should be short and descriptive of the content of the image.

For example, my-new-black-kitten.jpg is better than IMG00023.JPG for a picture of a black kitten. Descriptive image filenames give search engines clues as to the subject matter of an image. This is supplementary to the addition of descriptive alt-text to images, which is the most important attribute for providing metadata about images for search engines.2

Naming Zip FIles


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“Say. That’s an interesting Dwemer piece you have there. What can you tell me about it?

It is requested that this section be expanded.


  1. Google Developer Documentation Style Guide, ‘Filenames and File Types’, accessed 2024-07-09

  2. Google Search Central, ‘Google image SEO best practices’, accessed 2024-07-09