
Work-in-progress: Part of an ‘MMW Policies and Guidelines’ document in development.


  • Use **double Asterisks** instead of __double underscores__ to define bold words/characters. This makes it easier to differentiate them from _italic_ words/characters at a glance when editing
  • Bold the article name the first time it appears in the page’s introductory sentence. Any alternative names in the introductory sentence should also be bolded. (e.g. “Mlox is a tool for sorting plugin load order.“)
  • Bold the word or phrase being defined in bulleted or numeric lists.


To emphasize a word or phrase, use italics. This should be used sparingly, as its effectiveness at drawing attention is reduced if overused.

  • Bold can be used to add emphasis only when it is intended as a crucial warning in the body text. However, warnings should generally be emphasized by adding a > [!warning] or > [!danger] callout instead.


MarkdownHTML Header Tag EquivalentUse
#<h1>Unused, as Quartz uses the filename as h1
<h2>Main section divider
-<h3> - <h4>For use in article subsections
<h5>For labeling ‘Example’ above fenced code blocks


  • Use _underscores_ instead of *asterisks* to define italics. This makes it easier to differentiate them from **bold** words/characters at a glance when editing.


By default, Obsidian uses asterisks to denote italics when using the Toggle italic hotkey. Instead, use shift + _ to denote italics.

This behavior can be changed by installing one of several third-party community plugins that modifies this behavior.

  • Italics should be used for the titles of books, games and non-MMW Morrowind modding guides (such as Notes for Modmakers) This includes the titles of Elder Scrolls games and expansion packs, even when only the subtitle (e.g. OblivionSkyrimOnline) is written. The name of the series, The Elder Scrolls, should be italicized as well (even when shortened to just Elder Scrolls). Initialisms, most notably ESO, are not italicized.
  • Italics can be used for general emphasis, but should be used sparingly (see Emphasis).


Do not ‘hard-wrap’ lines. This is unneeded in Obsidian which renders line-wrapping automatically according to window size, as does Quartz.

‘Hard-wrapping’ is intentionally adding a line-break after a certain amount of characters, e.g., after 80 characters.

Internal Link to Another Article Within the Wiki

An ‘internal link’ is a link from one page in MMW to another page in MMW.

These should be rendered using Wikilink format as detailed on Internal Links - Obsidian Help

External Link to Another Website

Use Markdown to link to another site:

[insert link display text](https://websiteurl.com)

Page Breaks

Use --- to define a page break.

Page breaks should only be added at the end of an H2 heading section, not after H3 or more subheading sections.

Syntax Highlighting

Revisit this - check with G7 and S3ctor - refer to https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/features/syntax-highlighting


Tables are easy to read; please use these whenever possible for listing data such as script functions (e.g., MWSE-Lua), modding tool commands (e.g., Tes3cmd commands), or in-game statistics.

Tip: Use 'Live Preview' Mode for Editing Tables

Obsidian will proportionally spaces vertical bars (|) and hyphens (-) for you while editing tables in Live Preview.

This won’t affect how it renders in Obsidian or Quartz, but it makes the table easier to read as plain-text Markdown.


Lists are particularly useful for guides and tutorials, which make up the majority of content on the wiki. Unnumbered lists or ‘bullet points’ help to organize and emphasize information quickly and effectively, while ordered lists (i.e., numbered lists) are useful for useful for step-by-step sections of tutorials.

Unnumbered Lists

Use hyphens - for defining unnumbered lists and sub-lists, instead of asterisks *. This is to differentiate unnumbered lists from **bold** words/characters.

Ordered Lists