Custom formatting features implemented for use in the Morrowind Modding Wiki


SIRvb’s Image Adjustments

Image adjustments from SIRvb’s Image Adjustments CSS snippet are incorporated into MMW. Some examples of how it can be used include:

  • resizing images
  • displaying images as a banner across the page or across a callout
  • image-warp (using the CSS ‘float’ property), allowing text and other content to wrap around an image.

Custom Callouts

In addition to the default Obsidian Callouts, MMW also adds the following custom Callouts:

Callout Grid

This pair of left and right callouts can be inserted to create a two-column grid of callouts. To add more rows to the grid, simply add more pairs of callouts.


  • [!gridfloatleft]
  • [!gridfloatright]

Other callouts can be nested inside these.


Three callouts for adding captions to images. The callout title is hidden and text size reduced, similar to how Wikipedia and other wikis format their article image captions.


  • [!caption_left] - floats to the left of the page
  • [!caption_right] - floats to the right of the page
  • [!caption] - centered in the middle of the page


A wiki-style infobox displayed in the top right of an article to summarize data from the article, such as requirements for a tutorial article.


  • [!infobox]